Tuesday, February 24, 2015



Welcome back for another installment of Seoul Studying! (cue dramatic intro). Ahem. Anyway, excuse that piece of weirdness; I might have had too much caffeine today while studying for an exam. But now that that’s over, let’s talk about Seoulistic and the folks who run it. If you’ve read yesterday’s post then you already know that I shared one of their posts on which places to visit while in Seoul. Well, I was lurking on their site today and I realized I might not have done justice to the awesome guys and gals there. So I wanted to take this opportunity to talk them up a little bit more and analyze what it is that they do.

Seoulistic is not a blog geared specifically for studying in Korea, although they do provide some posts on the subject, but rather a site about just living and visiting Seoul in general. However, what they do cover is pretty darn useful for students like you and I. They cover topics ranging from food, dating, culture, what to do, what not to do, and so on. Posts within these subjects can range from the serious, like describing bad conversation topics in Korea, to the mainstream (especially with Kpop), to the bizarre with posts on poo in Korea. Don’t freak out though, they write the posts in a very informal manner that puts you at ease and, when combined with the fact that they aim the content at the average Joe who knows zilch about Korea, actually tells you important info while sometimes making you laugh. That’s a plus in my book.

Another great thing about Seoulistic is how involved the readers are with the blog itself. On virtually any topic you can be sure to find insightful comments from people who have either lived or visited Seoul before. Also, both the writers and readers are glad to answer questions that are posted in the comments, though there will be the occasional response or commentary done in poor taste, but that’s the Internet for you.

Seoulistic does a good job of making it easy to navigate to posts on certain areas by way of categories at the top of the page, however it can be hard to find posts on a specific thing within each broad category.

Other than that, Seoulistic has a wide presence on the web with their own YouTube channel, Twitter page, and the ability to subscribe to their blog. Be sure to check Seoulistic out. It’s a good resource and an entertaining way to kill some time.

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